Tuesday, 12 January 2016

8 things I thought while watching The Peacemaker

1. I only watched this move because Nicole Kidman was smoking hot, I was bored, and it turns out I have a thing for Nicole Kidman with shortish red-brown hair. I'm not saying there aren't other worthwhile things to the movie (yet) but those are the selling points.

2. It's a good thing Kidman is highly attractive as that was about the only thing going for her presence on the screen, and that's not a criticism of Kidman. That's a criticism of everyone involved in that project who thought that as long as there was a woman on the screen and she got some important things to do, like defusing the bomb, then who cared if her role and lines were flatter than a tire made of pancakes. I don't think she was trying very hard, granted, but then why on earth would she?

3. I just told you that a bomb was defused. This post has no spoilers warnings. This is because spoilers are for surprises and you will have worked out there's going to be a bomb that gets defused way, way before it happens. 

4. On similar lines, I can tell you now that Kidman's nuclear scientist and George Clooney's special forces colonel get together at the end of the film. This might have come as a bit more of a surprise, as you have no reason to see it coming from watching it, but this is how things work and sure enough, Colonel Manchild wants a hot date with the hot nuclear scientist. Well, don't we all.

5. In fairness, Nicole Kidman is about one hundred thousand times more convincing as a science geek than Denise Richards. 

6. Again in fairness, this film isn't bad or anything. I watched it, I'm writing about it. I've some kind of fondness for it, like I do for most by the numbers action films. And boy it is by the numbers. It's almost like they took a template, took a break while writing some script to go with it, and one wild bender later, forgot all about finishing it.

7. One of the things they must have forgotten was the dialogue and characterisation. Going back to Kidman's scientist having poor lines and worse depth, I can at least say there was nothing sexist about that. Clooney's special forces guy is just as bad. The closest thing to character we see is him finding the time to go back and make sure the guy who shot his friend is dead after wrecking half the city. His good line was... *looks at IMDB* pass. I get that they get big stars to carry these films where there's not really the time for characterisation when explosions come first. But give them a break here, people. Give them a few big moments. Give them some sharp lines. That's the difference between The Peacemaker and all the good action movies it wanted to be. 

8. At least, I assume they wanted it to be good, to be one of the blockbusters like Die Hard or the Bourne Identity. They spent enough on it. It's not though. It's late night TV fare, the sort of thing you watch when you've run out of other ways to interact with the world that you're interested in. The sort of movie that the Netflix generation won't watch because they've always got something better to watch. Part of me feels they'll be missing out. But not really.

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